Adhitia Sofyan - Forget Jakarta Lyrics
I'm waiting in line to get to where you are
Hope floats up high along the way
I forget Jakarta
All the friendly faces in disguise
This time, I'm closing down this fairytale
And I put all my heart to get to where you a...
Adhitia Sofyan - Invisible Relationship Lyrics
[Verse 1]
You and I have an invisible relationship
We don't declare it to the world but we're together
You and I have an invisible relationship
No need to tell each other but we've always knew it's true
Adhitia Sofyan - 8 Tahun Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Ketika angin bicara
Tunjukkan arah titik bertemu
Maukah kau simpan waktu?
Lupakan dunia, temui aku di sana
Temui aku
Mulutku diam terkunci
Memang tak pernah pandai bicara
Biarkan mata merekam
Saat kau ada, temui ...
Adhitia Sofyan - Pesan Di Balik Awan Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Kutuliskan cerita
Pada bentang hitam langit malam
Terbisikkan dalam diam
Sampaikah padanya?
Kusampaikan berita
Tentang tanya lama yang tersimpan
Kukirimkan jelang pejam
Sampaikah di sana?
Sudahkah k...
Adhitia Sofyan - Adelaide Sky Lyrics
I need to know what's on your mind
These coffee cups are getting cold
Mind the people passing by
They don't know I'll be leaving soon
I'll fly away tomorrow
To far away
I'll admit a cliche
Things won't...
Adhitia Sofyan - Dan Ternyata Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Dan ternyata kowe ijek tak enteni
Dan ternyata aku ndak kemana-mana
Nek bengi-bengi, aku bingung dewe
Obah kono kene, ora iso turu
Sing penting ojok lali, nek kowe bali kabari
Dan ternyata kowe ijek nomer siji
Adhitia Sofyan - Across This Million Stars Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Tick tock the clock is ticking, time is running out
Before the day is over, I will let you go
Will let you go
I hope we'll meet again somewhere not too far
Meanwhile I'll dance alone again with this midnight sk...
Adhitia Sofyan - Agony Of Defeat Lyrics
[Verse 1]
You tell them they can show their faces
I'm not afraid anymore
I have thrown away all my senses
Deep in the dark ocean floor
[Verse 2]
No, let's not be fooled again
Waiting for my favourite colour
Adhitia Sofyan - Naik Kereta Saja Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Naik kereta saja aku telah memilih
Semakin tua raga enggan di udara
Langit biru terbentang, namun ku terguncang
Naik kereta saja aku lebih tenang
Memandangi jendela waktu yang terhenti
Menutup keinginan yang tak terpen...
Adhitia Sofyan - Blue Sky Collapse Lyrics
As I walk to the end of the line
I wonder if I should look back
To all of the things that were said and done
I think we should talk it over
Then I noticed the sign on your back
It boldly says try to look away
I go on pretendi...
Adhitia Sofyan - 9 Tahun Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Setelah angin bicara
Tunjuk titik bertemu
Kau pun ada di depanku
Bagai ruang fantasi
Berbagai kisah cerita
Susun kembali waktu
Sampai lalu kau bertanya
Adakah ceritamu?
Andai aku bisa ceritakan semu...
Adhitia Sofyan - Isn't It Obvious Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Tell me if the colour of the sky
Doesn't suit your feelings for today
I'll try my best to sing it all away
It might agree to brighten up for you
I like to sit here and listen to your stories
Now it's not...
Adhitia Sofyan - In To You Lyrics
Early in the morning I was still in bed
You call me just in time when the sunlight comes
You said "How was your sleep?
I didn't do too well.
Would you be a friend and take a walk with me?"
My friends they all b...
Adhitia Sofyan - After The Rain Lyrics
If I could bottle
Smell of the wet land after the rain
I'll make it a perfume
Send it to your house
If one in a million star
Suddenly will hit satellite
I'll pick up some pieces
They'll be on your way
Adhitia Sofyan - Dunia Paralel Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Terbentang cahaya seribu masa
Diamnya sisakan beribu tanya
Mungkinkah saja ada
Satu semesta yang lain
Berjalan sejajar garis sadarku
Dan engkau di sana
Lalu kubuat sebuah sketsa kecil
Adhitia Sofyan - Analog Camera Lyrics
[Verse 1]
I took a picture of you using my analog camera
Hoping to capture that smile after so many years
I took a picture of you using my analog camera
Hoping to capture that soul after so many songs I wrote
Adhitia Sofyan - Seniman Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Terkadang teringat masa kecilku
Berlari di ujung senja
Mencoba menghindar dari kejaran
PR Matematikaku
Kubilang ku tak butuh Matematika
Kutahu ku 'kan besar jadi seniman
Terkadang terlintas masa dahulu
Adhitia Sofyan - Sesuatu Di Jogja Lyrics
[Verse 1]
Hey cantik, coba kau catat
Keretaku tiba pukul empat sore
Tak usah kau tanya aku ceritakan nanti
Hey cantik, kemana saja?
Tak ada berita, sedikit cerita
Tak kubaca lagi pesan di ujung malam
Dan Jaka...